Friday, January 7, 2011

However, exchanging hugs and kisses, Priyanka Chopra, Katrina still rivals

Hugs and kisses exchange between Priyanka and Katrina have been forged. They hate each other yet.

Buzz is that last night, Katz PC and get to the other without even saying "hello"was. The incident took place in the 17 th annual Star Screen Awards at the Bandra-Kurla Complex. Said one eyewitness, "Priyanka and Katrina were side by side for some time backstage.

Their eyes met, but they have each other, even a slight smile. They behaved like strangers. It was an excellent opportunity for women with at least the presence of another, but this has not been recognized. Everyone around them is necessary. "

Especially for those unfamiliar with the story of his rivalery Priyanka was shocked when Katrina strengthened in their shoes for Tarun Mansukhani Dostana seconds, then came Katrina Barf Anurag Basu (formerly titled Silence) when Priyanka is the second leading role .

But the most surprising is that a few days, both girls kissed and hugged by humans according to Salman Khan.

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